Monday, November 18, 2019

The Plan for Growth and Stability of The Organization Essay - 12

The Plan for Growth and Stability of The Organization - Essay Example The approach allows for creativity. In turn, it leads to the efficient use of resources. This is necessary because there is not an endless supply of resources. In addition, resources have a cost component. The organization is well established in the economy. The organization has to face a reality. The reality has three components. They are unfreezing, changing and refreezing. The unfreezing has occurred. The organization has realized that the business world is different. This is evident by the engaging of MBA activity. This requires considering new leadership. Julius the leader holds an MBA. There is no indication that such a qualified person has been here before. This is a major step forward. It must have come with great anxiety. The anxiety has been hard to the top decision makers. They would of necessity have to be willing to give up control. This is true even if it is only a nominal act. The membership below will be aware of the wind of change whether real or apparent. This reality has obviously created some trauma or pain to the people who work in the organization. The pain will be in differing degrees. The degrees are affected by such factors as the ability to leave the organization. The decision to leave has to do with one's ability to do better if the leaving decision is made. In most cases, people would want to stay. They would like life to be better. This trauma and healing aspect is very real. It may be denied. Julius must pay attention to this reality. Julius must realize it also will impact his seniors. Changing is the aspect as to what needs to be done. There will be concepts. There is the plan as to the implementation of the concepts. There will be the measurement of the impact ahead of time. This should be a conditioning process. It is necessary to put in the required amount of time necessary. Refreezing will occur when the plans are in place.

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